Khan academy coding program
Khan academy coding program

khan academy coding program

When being exposed to coding, like anything else, that first impression is the most important! We seriously want every child to have a great experience. Of course if we were a dishonest company we would just take everyone in regardless of their computer skills to make money, but that’s not us. This in turn will make it a bad experience. She loves it! Being able to type 15 wpm (words per minute) or faster with minimal errors is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY! Why? Because finger typing or very slow typing is going to cause frustration in your child’s coding (computer programming). In fact my daughter just started Simply Coding’s typing course and is learning currently the asdf and jkl keys. And in homeschooling classrooms or at home learning it is being taught as early as 8 years old. This was usually taugh back in 7th and 8th grade when I went to school, but seems to be taught earlier now. When doing computer science as a homeschool curriculum it is probably the most critical skill needed when doing homeschool math or coding is keyboarding. The first issue which is pretty easy to solve is “typing” skills. Lets begin by talking about the age as that is probably the easiest to cover. So if you’ve visited any sites mentioned below I hope this information will help. From Stem blogs to even a site I found called started by librarians. When I was searching up “math and coding” on google I was amazed at the few options and articles that even address this, which inspired me to write this post. Or why can’t my kid start when he’s 8 yrs old as he’s really smart? Or my child has done Khan Academy or Scratch or or any of those free programs online why would we pay for homeschool coding curriculum? So in today’s post we will be addressing these two specific types of questions and bring in the important connection between homeschool math and homeschool coding (computer science programming).

khan academy coding program

We often get the question at homeschool shows across the country as to why we start kids at age 11.

Khan academy coding program